Junebug's Story

 I am Junebug Elliott and I have been an avid bass fisherman for over 20 years.  A couple years back, while on a shopping trip to a large well known outdoor supply, I was wishing  I could find a lure I had used to fish for big bass in my younger days.  Realizing that many of the old timey baits are no longer available, and alot of pattern were lost for good, I decided then and there that if the big manufacturers weren't going to make the baits I wanted, then I would just have to make them myself.  The new mission was to find ways to hand craft lures that I knew from experience would catch fish....big fish.

  My baits and lures are crafted from hand selected woods from a variety of species based on their bouyancy properties and the desired effect of the plug.  My personal favorites are Bolivian Balsa, Native Tennessee Cottonwood, and North American Basswood.

  I make sure each lure is well balanced and weighted, but you can still tune them to your particular preference.  Because the lures are hand crafted, no two are exactly the same.  When you buy a Junebug, you are not only buying a lure that was indeed made to be fished, but also a work of art.